Direction and Displacement
Corrected Memory of a City
This map piece is about an act of correcting memory of a physical place. I drew a regional map based on my memory and then tried to make a correction so the map more closely resembled the actual map of the place. This map alludes to the difference between how we understand a physical place logically and how we actually feel and perceive it. In other words, this work results from the superimposition of what is remembered and what is a supposed real as knowledge. With this work, I wanted to focus on the memory process and emphasize the changeable character of memory, its fluidity and dimness. I wanted to point out the impossibility of accurate recollection and contrast that with people’s obsession with a clear and accurate recalling of the past.
There are numbers and arrows on the artwork that show my memory-fixing process but these calculations and scribbles do not help complete representation of reality. Reality is constantly changing and one can never be accurate enough to recall all its changes. The method of using numbers and figures just functions as a tool for an inexact form of reconstructed reality.
지난 몇년간 지속되어온 Corrected Memory of a City는 기억 지도를 고치는 작업이다. 시간이 흐르면서 형식과 소재, 내용이 바뀌기도 하였지만, 최종 결과물에서 보여지는 목적없는 지표, 길 잃은 상태에 대한 흥미는 계속되었다.

Ten-year lapse I (detail) , wire, tape, polyurethane pinned on wall, dimensions variable, 2014

Ten-year lapse II, polyurethane, thread pinned on wall, dimensions variable, 2014

Past does not affect Future, installation view, 2016

Lake, mixed media, 150x90x90cm, 2014

Markov Chain, acrylic on paper, 11x13 in, 2016