홍지연 (b.1983) 미국 시애틀과 서울에서 살며 작업하고 있다.

홍지연은 표상과 관념의 불완전함에 관해 관심을 가지고 작업하고 있다. 그녀는 익숙한 것으로부터 거리를 두는 방식을 통해 인식의 오류와 한계를 찾는다.

Jiyon Hong (b.1983)

works and lives in Seattle, USA and Seoul, Rep. of Korea.

Being whimsical in terms of her search for logic, specificity of materials, architecture, cities, and perceptions, Jiyon Hong positions herself as a shuttle between specificity, a definite meaning, a firm land, and a poetic elaboration fueled by indeterminacy, abstraction, memory, and perception structures.


CV download 국문 / English



2011 Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA, US

2008 Kookmin University, Seoul


2020 Refresh, Gallery2, Seoul, South Korea

2017 Grid, Pall-Mall & Stepping-stones, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, PA 

2012 Montag, Montauk, GlogauAIR Gallery, Berlin, GR

2011 North is Where Mountains are, MFA thesis exhibition, Main Gallery, ACCD, Pasadena, CA


2023 Open studios_Inscape Arts, Seattle (tbd)

2021 Drawing Box, SOMA museum, Seoul

2020 Between Period and Hyphen, Old House, Can foundation, Seoul

2016 City flux: Art, Architecture & Grand Rapids, Artprize 50 Monroe, Grand Rapids, MI

Concept: Zero, Korean Cultural Center, Budapest, Hungary

2015 Mindful Mindless, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, Seoul 

Urban Lawns, MIM gallery, Los Angeles, CA 

34hr Distance, Gutakso, Seoul

2014 IDAERO 96hrs, Daehyun 40-40, Seoul

Duft der Zeit, Kumho Museum, Seoul

2013 Loop of Seine, Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR

Too many options, SIM, Reykjavik, Iceland

2012 Corrected Memory of a City _B, GlogauAIR, Berlin, GR

Art Platrom_Los Angeles, The Barker Hanger, Los Angeles, CA

Controlled Implosions and Conversations from the Studio, ARSG. LACMA, Los Angeles, CA

2011 Platform Art Fair, LA Mart, Los Angeles, CA

BOOM, Southern California MFA Group Exhibition, LA Mart, Los Angeles, CA


2017 Artist talk, Guest Lecturer (Fine Art Dep.) Carnegie Mellon University

Artist talk, Pittsburgh Center for the Arts

2016 Artist talk, Korean Culture Center, Budapest, Hungary

2012 Artist talk, The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists


2023 Inscape Arts, Seattle

2014 Kumho Museum, Seoul

2013 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR 

2012 SIM, Reykjavik, IS  GlogauAIR, Berlin, GR


2017 Artist Opportunity Grants, Pittsburgh Arts Council

2016 Seeds Grant, Artprize, Frey Foundation

2014 Naver Hello Artist_Archive Artist Registry, Naver corp.

2012 Drawing Center Archive Artist Registry, Seoul Olympic Museum of Art


Private Collections  I  USA Seoul Olympic Museum of Art, KR  I  Korean Cultural Center, Budapest, Hungary